Degenerative knee diseases are pathologies that affect the structure and function of the joint, causing pain, inflammation and mobility impairment. These diseases usually result from gradual wear and tear and changes in cartilage, bones, ligaments and other tissues.
After a careful and accurate diagnosis, treatment varies depending on the severity and evolution of the disease, as well as the symptoms presented. Initially, medication can be prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation, rehabilitation through physiotherapy and the use of medical devices, such as orthoses or knee pads. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary, such as arthroscopy to repair damaged tissues, partial or total knee replacement, and reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament.
One of the most common degenerative diseases that affects the joints, including the knee, is osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis. It is a chronic pathology characterized by the progressive wear of the cartilage that covers the bone ends within the joint. This wear and tear can happen for several reasons, such as advanced age, repetitive trauma, overweight, family history of disease and joint misalignment.
The symptoms seen at the level of the knee are pain, stiffness, swelling, movement limitations, especially after periods of rest. At an early stage, the pain appears only during movement, but as the disease progresses, it becomes uninterrupted and annoying.
Although there is no cure for this condition, there are treatments available to alleviate symptoms and quality of life, such as those discussed above.