TeamTeleconsultationHealth GuideContactsBookings


At Clínica Lage & Neto, we understand that your health is a priority and that circumstances may compromise the physical visit to a health appointment. In order to get around geographic barriers and make the most of your time, we have implemented the Teleconsultation service, in which all our Health Professionals are at the distance of an internet connection, using a computer, smartphone or tablet. You can get all the help you're looking for in a safe, confidential, convenient, dedicated and personalized way, in the comfort of your home, work or elsewhere.

Teleconsultation is an increasingly used digital health alternative. You can accompany this service for any Specialty or Area and regardless of the clinical stage you are in, as long as the consultation does not require physical contact. We are available in the areas of Audiology, Maxillofacial Surgery, Physiotherapy, Capillary Medicine, Aesthetic Medicine, General Medicine , Neuropsychology, Clinical Nutrition, Orthopaedics and Clinical and Health Psychology

Our Teleconsultation service is suitable for a wide variety of situations, providing quality healthcare in a convenient and affordable way.

Below, we highlight the most common situations:
  • Acute or chronic pain situations that cannot wait for an appointment;
  • Follow-up of patients in stable chronic situations, in routine appointments;
  • Assessment to provide initial guidance;
  • Clinical or therapeutic adjustments;
  • Provide counseling and support in the field of mental health for patients who prefer not to go to an office;
  • Get a second opinion;
  • Post-operative follow-up to assess recovery progress, discuss symptoms and provide guidance on care to be taken;
  • Monitoring the treatment plan for pregnant women;
  • Follow-up and monitoring of the treatment plan prepared by a Health Professional from our clinic.

Booking an appointment online in our space can bring you several advantages, including:

Specialized team:

We rely on the collaboration of Doctors, Nutritionists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists, Nurses, and Diagnostic Technicians who are highly trained in their respective areas, in order to guarantee a careful evaluation and follow-up;

Therapeutic exercises and demonstrations:

Our Physiotherapists, in their areas of expertise, provide clinical exercises targeted to your condition. Even during the Teleconsultation, they guide you on the correct execution of the proposed exercises, so that you can repeat them well and safely.

Reimbursement for subsystems and health insurance:

Most subsystems and health insurance reimburse consultations carried out at our clinic, under the Free Regime. Thus, you can get a refund of a percentage of the amount invested in your health.

IRS deduction:

In addition to the refund, you can deduct the amount invested in consultations at our clinic, at the IRS level.

To schedule a Teleconsultation, you need to contact our clinic to schedule it, through our available communication channels. We will provide all the necessary instructions and clarifications so that your experience is smooth and satisfactory.