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I have a cyst in my jaw. My Maxillofacial Surgeon suggests surgery, but I have doubts!

When we receive the news that we need to undergo surgery, it is natural that doubts, concerns, and some fears arise. In the specific case of surgery to remove a maxillary cyst, there are specific issues that arise and for which you must be clear and informed. You can do this directly with your Maxillofacial Surgery Doctor.

We clarify some of the most frequently asked questions:

What are jaw bone cysts?

The cysts that appear in the maxillary bones (maxilla and mandible) are benign pathological entities that are fundamentally divided into 2 groups – cysts of dental and non-dental origin. Your surgeon will know, through the preoperative study carried out (which usually involves imaging tests such as radiographs or computed tomography) which is the probable type of cyst, but will only have confirmation after analyzing it (that is, the anatomopathological study – the surgical specimen, after being removed, is sent to a laboratory for analysis).

How long does the surgery last?

It will depend on the size and complexity of the cyst.

Can there be complications from the surgery?

Surgery is an invasive procedure, so there are always associated risks and complications. Your Doctor will explain them to you in the preoperative consultation and all measures will be taken to minimize them.

How many days do I have to stay in hospital?

Usually you discharged on the same day as the surgery. However, there are exceptional cases in which you may need a day of hospitalization.

What medication do I need to take after the surgery?

Don't worry, because, after the surgery, you will have all the indications about the medications you should take. They are fundamentally for postoperative pain relief (analgesics and anti-inflammatories) and for infection prophylaxis (antibiotics).

And what care should I have after the surgery?

A list of all the care to be taken after the surgery will also be provided, namely with regard to oral hygiene care, food, physical activity and return to work.

Can the cyst reappear?

Yes. There are certain cysts that are more likely to recur (ie, reappear). After the definitive diagnosis, your surgeon will inform you of this situation, if applicable. A follow-up consultation will be carried out for surveillance, so that you feel accompanied until you are discharged.

Being completely clear about everything that involves your problem and the surgical procedure, helps you to reduce the anxiety you feel and increase confidence, providing you with security and peace of mind throughout the process. So, don't hesitate to ask all your questions!

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