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Improved skin quality in summer

The skin, which is our body's largest organ, deserves all the attention we can give it. Moisturizing the skin is very important all year round, but especially in the summer, as it increases the skin's direct exposure to the sun.

At this time of year, there are many factors that contribute to skin damage: The high temperatures that are felt lead to increased perspiration, which leads to loss of water and nutrients through sweat, which need to be replaced. Exposure to the Sun and Ultraviolet Rays increases. Allied to these factors, salt water and chlorine also leave the skin and hair looking dry and lackluster.

Therefore, dry skin, premature aging, sensitivity, melasma, acne and skin cancer are some of the problems that can arise due to the lack of adequate skin protection.

In order to avoid problems associated with a lack of skin care, we suggest some precautions that you should adopt:

  • Hat protection;
  • Skincare routine;
  • Moisturizing cream for face and body after bathing;
  • After Sun Cream after sun exposure;
  • Sunscreen 50, retouched throughout the day;
  • Water intake;
  • Intake of foods rich in vitamin A and antioxidants (to neutralize free radicals);
  • Avoid sun exposure during peak hours – from 12h00 to 16h00.

We emphasize the importance of Sunscreen, especially in the face area, as it is essential to protect the skin from damage caused by Ultraviolet Rays, prevent premature aging, reduce the risk of skin cancer, prevent blemishes and hyperpigmentation. This must be applied daily, even during winter and on cloudy days, because even in the coldest seasons Ultraviolet Rays can penetrate the clouds and damage the skin. Sunscreen must have a Sun Protection Factor suitable for the skin type and must be applied regularly, especially after wetting the body, sweating or drying with a towel. It is a fundamental element in maintaining the health and beauty of the skin in the long term.

In addition to these precautions to maintain hydrated skin, the Aesthetic Medicine area offers complementary treatments, such as Chemical Peeling, Facial Mesotherapy and Skinbooster.

Chemical Peeling can be performed during the summer, however, it is suggested that the treatment be superficial. This means that the chemical used is in a lower concentration, to minimize side effects and avoid excessive exposure to the sun. With this treatment, the aim is to stimulate the skin's cell renewal process, promoting the exfoliation of its superficial layer. In addition, this procedure helps to improve skin hydration and luminosity, providing a healthier and rejuvenated appearance.

Facial Mesotherapy is an aesthetic procedure carried out through the injection of a content with vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and hyaluronic acid that have beneficial properties for the skin. Deeply hydrates the skin, gives it luminosity, improves texture, smoothes wrinkles and stimulates collagen production.

Treatment with Skinbooster improves skin hydration through an injection. It improves the texture, elasticity and overall appearance of the face, in addition to smoothing the first lines and wrinkles.

It is essential to maintain good skin hydration during the summer, using suitable moisturizing and protective products, drinking plenty of water and avoiding excessive exposure to the sun.

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