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Overuse injuries

Overuse injuries are a common problem affecting the general population, whether dedicated athletes or individuals who perform repetitive movements at work or in their daily routine. These injuries can occur when a certain part of the body is subjected to inappropriate posture or high and repetitive muscle intensity, resulting in muscle injuries, stiffness and pain.

Activities such as carrying weights, office work, holding children, running or jumping can put excessive strain on certain parts of the body, which can lead to these injuries. In athletes, excessive training beyond their limits and capabilities without taking the necessary rest or recovery time is also a cause.

Symptoms of overuse injuries can include fatigue, decreased muscle strength, edema, muscle or joint stiffness and pain. It is common for pain to also appear in healthy regions, as the body tries to compensate for dysfunctions in the other area. The most serious consequences are the rupture of soft tissues (muscles) and bone fracture.

Epicondylitis (elbow tendonitis) is an overuse inflammation that affects the tendons of the elbow. It is a very common injury due to the repetitive effort of a certain gesture. The two most common types are lateral epicondylitis or "tennis elbow" and medial epicondylitis or "golfer's elbow". Lateral epicondylitis is the most frequent and affects the outer side of the elbow. It occurs due to repetitive movements of extension or rotation of the wrist and forearm, such as those performed during tennis practice or lifting loads. Medial epicondylitis affects the inner side of the elbow and is caused by repetitive flexion or rotation movements of the wrist and forearm. Golfers, baseball players and javelin throwers are more prone to this injury.

For the treatment of overuse injuries, it is essential, at an early stage, to reduce effort and adapt the activities that led to the injury. However, it is with Physiotherapy that it is possible to treat these injuries and alleviate the associated symptoms. Therefore, it is important to note that:

For the treatment of overuse injuries, it is essential, at an early stage, to reduce effort and adapt the activities that led to the injury. However, it is with Physiotherapy that it is possible to treat these injuries and alleviate the associated symptoms. Therefore, it is important to note that:

  • The Physiotherapist will perform a thorough assessment of the injury to determine the extent of damage and identify the possible cause. In this way, it customizes a personalized and adaptable treatment plan throughout the recovery.
  • Heat or ice therapy, electrotherapy and ultrasound are therapeutic options that help relieve pain and inflammation in the affected area.
  • Clinical exercises and muscle strengthening are essential and aim to strengthen the affected muscles, improve joint stability, restore range of motion and promote muscle coordination. These are adapted as the patient recovers.
  • Myofascial release techniques can be used where, through therapeutic massage, tension is released from the muscles and surrounding soft tissues.
  • Manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilization and manipulation are used.
  • Physiotherapy advises on the correct posture to adopt and proper movement techniques to avoid overuse injuries.

Physiotherapy plays a vital role in the treatment of overuse injuries through an individualized treatment plan that aims to restore function in the region, relieve pain and help the patient to return to their routine or sport, with quality.

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